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Ristorante Pappagallo

Taxi Fares

Taxi Fares

Special Taxi Fares

In order to assist our customers with their transfer to Pappagallo, we have negotiated a flat rate of US$15 per person round trip (minimum 4 guests or US$60) from 7 Mile Beach to Pappagallo and back to 7 Miles Beach.

Please contact any of the drivers listed and they will be more than happy to make the arrangement for you.


Desiree Miller Taxi 916-7515 Up to 7 passengers
Shawn Taxi 924-3100 Up to 7 passengers
Roy Taxi 326-9252 Up to 15 passengers
Kervin Taxi 917-0254 Up to 14 passengers
Jacob Taxi 923-0762 Up to 7 passengers
Dahlia Taxi 326-3192 Up to 14 passengers
Yvette Taxi 325-8906 Up to 6 passengers
Papi Taxi 917-1136 Up to 27 passengers